Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Hippies didn't die...

Former Obama Czar Launches American ‘Arab Spring’ Revolt – Patriot Update

An Egypt-styled “Arab Spring,” which has put radicals in charge of the government, will be launched in the United States this spring with a war on “corporate power, Wall Street greed and the political corruption of the 1 percent,” according to the group headed by former Obama green aide Van Jones.

“They’re really not going to like the 99 percent Spring,” said Rebuild the Dream in an organizing email Friday.

Comparing the collection of protests last year that are symbolized by the 99 percent campaign and Occupy movement, to those of Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr., the group said that “we were all inspired by the protesters of the Arab Spring who stood up to totalitarian governments, and inspired the Occupy movement here in America.”

The plan for now is to hold protest training sessions around the nation next week. Over 900 are scheduled so far.

My Take:

Just great.  I wish these “do-gooder” minded. Base mentality idiots would get out of the way of us that are accurately informed, hard-working, true 99% American citizens.  Hippies didn’t die – they became yuppies.  These little punks need to take a long hard look at their parents instead of their blind advances against the mystical 1%.  Idiots…. 

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Arkansas Shootin

Arkansas. Shooting at the outdoor public range today with my dad and my husband. Watching the men agonize over every shot fired - every tick of the gun - every nuance of the wind. There's a grandfather out here with his two grandsons - the older shooting a shotgun, the younger shooting a 22. When I shot mine I heard one boy say "look! The girl's going to shoot!" then I watched when I was done as he sauntered out to "check" my target. They sure seemed to like me after that. The grandfather told us the younger boy is autistic. Sure can't tell it as he responds well to the constant set of instructions and stimulus his grand father gives him as the beautiful country day draws on. Seeing as these boys are being taught VERY good safety lessons - constantly streaming from their grandfather (and us). Tell me again why guns should be banned. This seems WAY healthier than putting a video game controller in there hands, buying a war shooter like Call of Duty, and walking away as they learn "shooting" lessons from strangers online... Hmmmmm. Yeah. Makes ya think.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Our newest backyard find

Currently trying to identify this lovely rock that Kirk found in the watershed area of our backyard.  Lovely opaqueness....