Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New Year! New phone!

So, I'm writing this post - after a long hiatus - on my new Galaxy Note II. Perfect inspiration to get me motivated again. And Boyo I need motivating. 2012 had some rough points to it and I'm hoping 2013 will be a little easier. At least in the sad parts and ways. It should be good - I've always faired better in and around things that are routinely seen as "bad luck".  So this should be MY year!  Ha!
So Here's some plan ideas...  to further my career, I think I'll pursue learning more in the IT world. Of course my pipe dream would be video game minutiae design. ...  I'll think I'll design my pipe first. .! 

Also,  even though it's been such a rocky road and one I'm sure people are tired of being aware of - Kirk and I are still trying to start that family. At 35 & 36 the clock is something I am aware of. Maybe this will be our year...

I vow to have made my first hard cheese by December 2013. And have milked my precious goat Mai.

And Kirk is starting his own business. Scary. But but so worthwhile.

So this year has much to live up to and accomplish. .. 
onward and upwards.
No fear.