Thursday, March 22, 2012

Evening thoughts

It's Thursday. Almost to the weekend again. I wish things were like they used to be and we didn't scurry like mad to go to office boxes to work like mad to do endless paperwork to fuel the fires of an endless corporate machine. Don't get me wrong. I am thankful for my job. Thankful more for the conscientious family that built the business that I work for. Thankful even more that I don't have to punch a time clock and stand on a work line of some sort. But how wonderful the idea of working for my own family. Sure the hours are long and sometimes the work difficult. But more fulfilling than not having a boss-someone in the power seat if my life- but to know that every ounce if effort directly relates to me and my beloved people. That the work I do has a family face attached to it. As we drive through the crazy downtown traffic to work this morning, I turned to Kirk and said, "you sure you don't want to be Amish?". Ha!

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