Monday, March 26, 2012

Take a walk... Seriously

I think the world would be such a better place if everyone would just take a walk once a day... Everyday. Just to "check in" with the world around us. It's amazing what you see when you walk your neighborhood or work or school area.  You see the other people in their true pacing, even if that's the cars whizzing by you frantically...  you see that crazy pace.  And you see others who are in the know who are walking on two legs, watching you watching them.  You see the birds and the bugs.  The clouds, feel the air.  It's a perspective that we need.  We're not super human nor machines.  None of us.

And I struggle with this too. I get busy.  Get detached. There are so many pressing chores, needs and wants. Justifications...

But when we get out and walk at our own physical pace we can feel the rhythm of the world around us.  We've all grown so unnatural and distant from our physical humanity...  Just a thought.

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