Thursday, March 29, 2012


I wrote this poem back in 1994 after reading an article about a woman standing up for her rights in a Muslim country.  She was under constant threat of death and I wonder sometimes if she has survived.  I think with the current state of affairs, this is a good time to post this poem. I feel for all women living under such immense suppression of basic human rights.


I heard a story from a dear friend that
Made my heart turn cold.
The events and sufferings that happened that day
Made my soul grow old. 

I heard about the beatings and stones
That she has had to live through.
I fear though that she too has grown cold
And her heart is choking and blue.

My wish is true for you my friend,
I want that your life be gay.
But the world has turned its cold shoulder to you,
And now is your time to be brave.

Just remember, dear friend of mine,
That your words still sit in my mind.
The trials and strife that you have been through
Will never be lost through time. 

Kandice Martin (Cox)
December 13, 1994
For Taslima Nasrin, my friend-unknown.

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