Thursday, March 22, 2012

Love is a Banshee - Part Deux

Song I wrote:

Love is a banshee.
She wails and cries for attention,
Then turns cold and bitter towards man.

How the needles of pain and pleasure rip through me
How the need and rejection both win.
I am at a loss for meaning,
And I just don't give a damn if this is my sin.
Your screams cut right through me
Your screams tear and pull at my skin.

Please love, understand.

Torn, bruised and battered,
This body reflects my soul.
Life leaves me alone and abandoned
No more, no love can I hold.

I am angered with life's indifference.
I grow weary of love's loss of care.
I am bitter to all human's existence.
No more can this cross I bear.

How the needles of pain and pleasure rip through me.
How the need and rejection both win.
I am at a loss for meaning,
And I care not if this is my sin.
Your screams cut right through me.
Your screams tear and pull at my skin.

Please love, I beg you, these tears do not easily mend.

A human heart only holds a measured amount
Whether pain, pleasure or joy.
My heart has reached its bleak zenith
My soul can handle no more.

Life's weary journey is my dark mistress.
She walks with me forever more.
Her talons have dug deep into sadness
And her beak has eaten my soul.

How the needles of pain and pleasure rip through me.
How the need and rejection both win.
I am at a loss for meaning,
And I care not if this is my sin.
Your screams cut right through me.
Your screams tear and pull at my skin.

I'm sorry love that I have no more substance. I'm sorry, love, that I've failed you again.

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